About Us

Hi there, my name is Pao and I'm the founder of Flower Pao. As a fellow plant lover, I started Flower Pao as an Instagram page to share my plant collection and connect with other enthusiasts. I wanted to show people how I used my plants and planters to decorate my home, and inspire others to do the same.

Over time, Flower Pao evolved from a simple Instagram page to a brand dedicated to creating fun and unique planters made from cement. Our passion for plants and design led us to offer high-quality planters that not only serve as functional vessels for your plants but also make a statement in any room.

At Flower Pao, we believe that plants bring life and joy to any space, and our planters aim to enhance that beauty. Whether you're looking for a modern, minimalist design or something more playful and whimsical, we have a planter that will suit your style.

Join us in celebrating the beauty of plants with Flower Pao, and let us help you bring a little bit of nature into your home.